> So, if M() existed, you could say:
> d = M(telephone, name)
> func(**d)
> or
> func(**M(telephone, name))
> Or, you could just use "d" from the first example for your own purposes
> unrelated to function calling.
My point is: We already have a way to pass the items in a dictionary as
> keyword args: let's not invent another one. Instead, let's focus on a
> general purpose way of creating a dictionary that meets the requirements of
> being able to be passed as keyword args. That way we'd me making the
> language more expressive beyond just function calls.
Personally my favourite potential outcome from all this would be allowing
the `**` mode separator in both dicts and calls, so you could write:

d = {**, telephone, name}


func(**, telephone, name)

Also I think Dominik has made an excellent point that this would only be
needed if there were no kwargs already, so this would also be possible:

func(**kwargs, telephone, name)

assuming that some relevant kwargs exist. Then there isn't even any new
syntax, just a way to interpret something which is currently forbidden.
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