On Sat, Apr 25, 2020, 1:50 PM Kirill Balunov <kirillbalu...@gmail.com>

> Python uses such an approach (separate functions) because there are real
> flaws in the mode switching approach? Or just historically?

Well, I think I'd say "philosophically." It's not an historical curiosity
like some of the pass-through sys or os functions with signatures that are
much more like C than Python.

There are definitely pros and cons to different approaches, but striving
for relative consistency within one language feels worthwhile. But Python
chose to usually avoid mode switches in function signatures.

I myself use Pandas, as I mentioned, and it's basically a DSL with a very
different philosophy than Python. It encourages fluent style and has tons
of mode switches. It's not wrong, but it's absolutely different. Or Python
uses snake_case for functions (usually, not always). Which doesn't make
CamelCase languages wrong, just different.
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