On Apr 29, 2020, at 11:15, Tom Forbes <t...@tomforb.es> wrote:
>> Thread 2 wakes up with the lock, calls the function, fills the cache, and 
>> releases the lock.
> What exactly would the issue be with this:
> ```
> import functools
> from threading import Lock
> def once(func):
>    sentinel = object()
>    cache = sentinel
>    lock = Lock()
>    @functools.wraps(func)
>    def _wrapper():
>        nonlocal cache, lock, sentinel
>        if cache is sentinel:
>            with lock:
>                if cache is sentinel:
>                    cache = func()
>        return cache
>    return _wrapper
> ```

You’ve written an exactly equIvalent to the double-checked locking for 
singletons examples that broke Java 1.4 and C++03 and led to us having once 
functions in the first place.

In both of those languages, and most others, there is no guarantee that the 
write to cache in thread 1 happens between the two reads from cache in thread 
2. Which gives you the fun kind of bug that every few thousand runs you have 
corrupted data an hour later, or it works fine on your computer but it crashes 
for one of your users because they have two CPUs that don’t share L2 cache 
while you have all your cores on the same die, or it works fine until you 
change some completely unrelated part of the code, etc.

Java solved this by adding volatile variables in Java 5 (existing code was 
still broken, but just mark cache volatile and it’s fixed); C++11 added a 
compiler-assisted call_once function (and added a memory model that allows them 
to specify exactly what happens and when so that the desired behavior was 
actually guaranteeable). Newer languages learned from their experience and got 
it right the first time, rather than repeating the same mistake.

Is there anything about Python’s memory model guarantee that means it can’t 
happen in Python? I don’t think there _is_ a memory model. In CPython, or any 
GIL-based implementation, I _think_ it’s safe (the other thread can’t be 
running at the same time on a different core, so there can’t be a cache 
coherency ordering issue between the cores, right?), but what about on Jython, 
or PyPy-STM, or a future GIL-less Python?

And in both of those languages, double-checked locking is still nowhere near as 
efficient as using a local static.

> Seems generally more correct, even in single threaded cases, to pay the 
> overhead only in the first call if you want `call_once` semantics. Which is 
> why you would be using `call_once` in the first place?

But you won’t be paying the overhead only on the first call, you’ll be paying 
it on all of the calls that before the first one completed. That’s the whole 
point of the lock, after all—they have to wait until it’s ready—and they can’t 
possibly do that without the lock overhead. And for the next few afterward, 
because they’ll have gotten far enough to check even if they haven’t gotten far 
enough to get the lock, and there’s no way they can know they don’t need the 
lock. And for the next few after that, because unless the system only runs one 
thread at a time and synchronizes all of memory every time you switch threads 
they may not see the write yet anyway.
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