On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 11:37 AM M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:

> Hi Ram,
> I think you are confusing the exception type with the exception
> reason.

Some time ago `ModuleNotFoundError` was added as a subclass of
`ImportError`, which I really liked. Was this also another instance of a
confusion between the exception type and the exception reason?

> By adding 100 more exception types, you don't make things
> easier, but instead you complicate things, since we'd all have
> to memorize those 100 exception types.

Why would you have to memorize them? If you're writing an except clause,
you could still write `except ValueError:` and it'll work the same as

Do you feel that the addition of `ModuleNotFoundError` meant that you now
had to memorize a new exception?
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