On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 10:15 AM Rhodri James <rho...@kynesim.co.uk> wrote:

> On 01/05/2020 07:48, Ram Rachum wrote:
> > There are 2 reasons I want this:
> >
> > 1. When I'm writing a try..except clause, I want to catch a specific
> > exception like MissingArgumentsError rather than ValueError or TypeError.
> > They're too ubiquitous. I don't want some other unexpected failure
> > producing the same ValueError and triggering my except clause.
> If you want to catch MissingArgumentsError, you're doing something
> really weird.  I'm trying to think of a realistic example and failing.

This type of error is already caught and identified by Python as a
TypeError in at least two different situations with the following (generic)
error messages:

X takes Y positional arguments but Z was given

X missing 2 required positional arguments: Y and Z

The fact that two such messages exist is indicative that this type of error
do occur in realistic code.

So, in theory, one could think of extracting these two subcases of
TypeError into a new exception subclass; personnally, I think that the
current error messages are sufficient and adding a new exception subclass
for them would just make the exception handling code more complicated than

André Roberge

> > 2. When I get an error, especially from some shitty corporate system that
> > truncates the traceback, I want to get as many hints as possible about
> what
> > went wrong.
> Then you should read the exception reason.  You're still going to have
> to think about what your program logic error is, and a separate
> exception is going to be less use than an explanatory text string.
> --
> Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
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