> We should have a mechanism that collects the current function or method's 
> parameters into a dict, similar to the way locals() returns all local 
> variables.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but how about... `locals`? It works exactly 
as you hope:

def __init__(self, argument_1, argument_2, argument_3=None):
    for name, value in locals().items():
        if name != "self":
            setattr(self, name, value)

It's a fairly common idiom to just collect `locals()` on the first line of a 
function or method with lots of arguments, if they're just going to be passed 
along or processed directly. That way, you get the flexibility of `**kwargs`, 
but without losing tab-completion, annotations, helpful `help`, and other 

>>> def foo(bar, baz=7, *spam, eggs, cheese=7, **other):
...     kwargs = locals()
...     # Do some stuff...
...     return kwargs  # Just to see what's in here!
>>> foo(5, eggs=6, blah='blah')
{'bar': 5, 'baz': 7, 'eggs': 6, 'cheese': 7, 'spam': (), 'other': {'blah': 

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