On 6/05/20 7:45 pm, Henk-Jaap Wagenaar wrote:
So... say you are solving a problem in 1d, you do that on a real number x, right? Now you solve it in 2d, so you do your work on a pair (x, y), then you might solve it in 3d and do your work on a triplet (x, y, z). A few days later you generalize it to n-dimensions and you get a *sequence*

At this point I would say that you haven't created an infinite
tuple, you've created an infinite sequence of finite tuples.

Then, a few days later you generalize it to infinite sequences (x_1, x_2, ...).

Now here I would stop and say, wait a minute, what does this
proof look like? I'm willing to bet it involves things that
assume some kind of intrinsic order to the elements of this
"tuple". If it does, and it's an extension to the finite
dimensional cases, then I would say you were really dealing
with sequences, not tuples, right from the beginning.

Now I must admit I was a bit hesitant about writing that
statement, because in quantum theory, for example, one often
deals with vector spaces having infinitely many dimensions.
You could consider an element of such a space as being an
infinite tuple.

However, to even talk about such an object, you need to be
able to write formulas involving the "nth element", and those
formulas will necessarily depend on the numerical value of
n. This gives the elements an intrinsic order, and they will
have relationships to each other that depend on that order.
This makes the object more like a sequence than a tuple.

Contrast this with, for example, a tuple (x, y, z) representing
coordinates in a geometrical space. There is no inherent
sense in which the x coordinate comes "before" the y coordinate;
that's just an accident of the order we chose to write them
down in. We could have chosen any other order, and as long as
we were consistent about it, everything would still work.

This, I think, is the essence of the distinction between
tuples and sequences in mathematics. Elements of sequences
have an inherent order, whereas elements of a tuple have at
best an arbitrarily-imposed order.

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