On Wed, May 06, 2020 at 08:48:51AM -0700, Christopher Barker wrote:

[I asked]
> > A ternary flag of strict = True, False or what?
> >
> Come on:
> ternary: having three elements, parts, or divisions (
> https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ternary)
> did you really not know that? 

Of course I know what ternary is.

> (and "flag" does not always mean "boolean
> flag", even thoughit often does (https://techterms.com/definition/flag) )

I am arguing against the proposal being discussed in this part of the 
thread, namely to add a **boolean** flag "strict=True|False".

Then if we want to extend the API in the future, you say "Oh well that's 
easy, let's just turn it into a ternary flag" (paraphrasing, not a 
direct quote). Okay, so what will the third flag be? Standard ternary 
flags are:

    True, False, Maybe
    True, False, Unknown

Neither Maybe nor Unknown are Python builtins. Should they be? I doubt 
it. So what do we use? Whenever I've needed ternary logic, I've 
used None. But in this case, that doesn't work:

    zip(*iters, strict=None)

What a very non-self-explanatory API.

So if we start off with a `strict=bool` API, we're stuck with it.

> This has been proposed multiple times on this list:
> a flag that takes three possible values: "shortest" | "longest" | "equal"
> (defaulting to shortest of course). Name to be bikeshed later :-)
> (and enum vs string also to be bikeshed later)

*Named modes* are not typically called flags. For example, the second 
parameter to `open` is called *mode*, not *flag*.

Whether or not a named mode parameter has been proposed before, that's 
not what is being discussed here and now, where we have been explicitly 
debating the two APIs:

- a named function;
- piggy-backing on zip() with a **boolean parameter** taking True and
  False as the switch to control behaviour.

so in the context of the discussion about bool parameters, other APIs 
aren't really relevant. I'm arguing agains the specific `strict=bool` 
API, not other APIs in general. Revamping zip to give it a named mode 
parameter is not my first preference, but it's better than a 
`strict=bool` flag.

However the parameter would have to change:

    zip(*iters, strict="shortest")

simply doesn't work.

> > This demonstrates why the "constant flag" is so often an 
> > antipattern. It doesn't scale past two behaviours. Or you end up 
> > with a series of flags:
> >
> >     zip(*iterators, strict=False, longest=False, fillvalue=None)
> >
> I don't think anyone proposed an API like that -- yes, that would be horrid.

I do recall someone proposing something similar to that, but I don't 
care enough to trawl through the thread to find it :-)

> There are all sorts of reasons why a ternary flag would not be good, but I
> do think it should be mentioned in the PEP, even if only as a rejected idea.
> But I still like it, 'cause the "flag for two behaviors and another
> function for the third" seem sliek the worse of all options.


But that's precisely the option on the table right now!

1. zip_longest remains in itertools;
2. zip remains the default behaviour;
3. zip_strict be implemented as a boolean True/False parameter on zip.

I trust you don't actually mean what you seem to be saying: "this is the 
worst of all options, I'm in favour of it!"

But in any case, I see from a later part of the discussion we're now 
considering a different option:

- treat zip as a namespace, with named callable attributes

which I don't dislike.

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