Why use "." which has clear syntax problems?

This can already be done in current Python (this was linked to in a
previous thread about something else) using a generic solution if you
change the syntax:


You could write it as |EQ|, ^EQ^, ... and have it in its own Pypi package.

Not sure what IDEs think of this package, they probably hate it...

On Thu, 7 May 2020 at 10:18, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:

> On Sat, May 02, 2020 at 05:12:58AM -0000, Ahmed Amr wrote:
> > Currently, when comparing a list of items to an array of the same
> > items for equality (==) it returns False, I'm thinking that it would
> > make sense to return True in that context, as we're comparing item
> > values and we have the same way of indexing both collections, so we
> > can compare item values.
> I'm going to throw out a wild idea (actually not that wild :-) that I'm
> sure people will hate for reasons I shall mention afterwards.
> Perhaps we ought to add a second "equals" operator? To avoid
> bikeshedding over syntax, I'm initially going to use the ancient 1960s
> Fortran syntax and spell it `.EQ.`.
> (For the avoidance of doubt, I know that syntax will not work in Python
> because it will be ambiguous. That's why I picked it -- it's syntax that
> we can all agree won't work, so we can concentrate on the semantics not
> the spelling.)
> We could define this .EQ. operate as *sequence equality*, defined very
> roughly as:
>     def .EQ. (a, b):
>         return len(a) == len(b) and all(x==y for x, y in zip(a, b))
> (Aside: if we go down this track, this could be a justification for
> zip_strict to be a builtin; see the current thread(s) on having a
> version of zip which strictly requires its input to be equal length.)
> The precise details of the operator are not yet clear to me, for
> instance, should it support iterators or just Sized iterables? But at
> the very least, it would support the original request:
>     [1, 2, 3] .EQ. (1, 2, 3)
>     # returns True
> The obvious operator for this would be `===` but of course that will
> lead to an immediate and visceral reaction "Argghhh, no, Javascript, do
> not want!!!" :-)
> Another obvious operator would be a new keyword `eq` but that would
> break any code using that as a variable.
> But apart from the minor inconveniences that:
> - I don't know what this should do in detail, only vaguely;
> - and I have no idea what syntax it should have
> what do people think of this idea?
> --
> Steven
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