On Wed, 6 May 2020 at 15:08, Ricky Teachey <ri...@teachey.org> wrote:
> On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 1:44 PM Alex Hall <alex.moj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think this looks great, I can't think of anything wrong with it.
>> Could we put this into the standard library, so that IDEs and linters are 
>> programmed to recognise it?
> If it does cover the majority of corner cases, I think this is a great thing 
> to consider.
> However on the other hand, wouldn't there be an advantage for the user to be 
> able to make adjustments to the arguments before passing them along, and to 
> be able to control WHEN the autoassign action occurs? Isn't this a very 
> common type thing to do?

It cn be done, but we would be stepping away from "KISS" - and maybe,
if such control
is needed ina  certain class, auto-assigning won't be a thing for it.

I guess the default being that arguments are already assigned to the instance
when  __init__ starts would be the most common use case.

And if adjusts and
transforms are needed, they can be done inside __init__ as usual, the original
assignment will just be overwritten. In the case the class features
attributes that
trigger side-effects on assignment, then, unless you want them as passed,
maybe auto-assigment should not be used.

> Using the same example:
> class A:
>     @autoassign
>     def __init__(self, a, b, c=3):
>          b = MyEnum(b)

> In the example above, self.b is assigned the value of b, not Enum(b).

Yes - that is a pattern I need a lot. Due to the considerations above,
I think the better approach would be to  extend the autoassign
to pick this ("cast") transform from parameter annotations or from optional
parameters to "@autoassign"

> And even if you called-- or gave the option to call-- func(*args, **kwargs) 
> first,
>  autoassign still wouldn't know that you want to modify the supplied 
> parameter value.
> It seems to me like it would be more useful to be able to have access to some 
> sort of
> partial namespace object, containing the objects that were passed to the 
> function,
>  that could then be passed along.... something like this:
> class A:
>     def __init__(self, a, b, c=3):
>         b = MyEnum(b)
>         autoassign(A.get_partial_namespace())

> The  get_partial_namespace() method would basically be the same as locals(), 
> except:
> 1. the name bound to the object that called the function is excluded (self) 
> and
> 2. any other names that were not part of the call of the function are 
> excluded.
Yes, a mechanism to allow the actall assignment to the instancs to be
made in the middle of
"__init__" is feasible, and even something to make cause the
assignements to take place
on the return of "__init__" - but them, as I noted above, we are
complicating things -

if we accept that most such transforms of parameters are a "cast" like thing -
(and as noted, I need this pattern a lot) - maybe use annotations for that,
or, to avoid super-charge annotations with even more semantics, just allow
these 'transforms' to be indicated as parameters to auto-assign.

Ah - please tell me if something like this makes sense:
import typing as T
dev convert_to_enum(val: T.Union[MyEnum, int])->MyEnum:
     return MyEnum(val)

 class A:
     @autoassign(transforms={"b": convert_to_enum})
     def __init__(self, a: T.any, b: MyEnum, c: int=3):
           #self.b is already assigned as a  guaranteed 'MyEnum'


In that way, one could eventually come up with a static
linter/whatever that could
understand that. (And that would be a whole new level of complexity - the linter
would have to do a lot of twists to account for that).

Typing annotations apart, would the "transforms" parameter suffice
for what you are asking for?
It would work for the cases I need it
(in my largest personal project, I want to auto-promote
some arguments to "Point" and others to  to "Color" objects,
and allow those to be called by passing 2-tuples and 3-tuples respectively)

As for the typing, on a second tough, in the case above, declaring the
instance attributes with
annotations normally would work - all the linters (including mypy)
would need to do
would be to "trust" @autoassign  (it is that, or follow the
'transforms' argument)
class A:
    a: T.any
    b: MyEnum
    c: int
    def __init__(self, a: T.any, b: T.Union[int, MyEnum], c: int):
         # everything already converted
This would require some extra code in autoassign,
so that it would have to "know" how to cast arguments
into the annotated attribute types. This would be nice,
but I am afraid it would be "too much" for a simple
stdlib inclusion. (One thing is if the annotation is
a callable type that could do the conversion by itself, another
is if the annotation is something like `b : T.List[T.Union[int, float]]`

The "transforms" parameter OTOH seems to be feasible.

> ---
> Ricky.
> "I've never met a Kentucky man who wasn't either thinking about going home or 
> actually going home." - Happy Chandler
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