On May 15, 2020, at 03:50, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 09:47:36AM -0700, Andrew Barnert wrote:
>>> On May 14, 2020, at 03:01, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
>> Which is exactly why Christopher said from the start of this thread, 
>> and everyone else has agreed at every step of the way, that we can’t 
>> change the default behavior of slicing, we have to instead add some 
>> new way to specifically ask for something different.
> Which is why I was so surprised that you suddenly started talking about 
> not being able to insert into a slice of a list rather than a view.

We’re talking about slice views. The sentence you quoted and responded to was 
about the difference between a slice view from a list and a slice view from a 
string. A slice view from a list may or may not be the same type as a slice 
view from a tuple (I don’t think there’s a reason to care whether they are or 
not), but either way, it being immutable will, I think, not surprise anyone. By 
contrast, a slice view from a string being not stringy _might_ surprise someone.

>> Not only that, but whatever gives 
>> you view-slicing must look sufficiently different that you notice the 
>> difference—and ideally that gives you something you can look up if you 
>> don’t know what it means. I think lst.view[10:20] fits that bill.
> Have we forgotten how to look at prior art all of a sudden? Suddenly 
> been possessed by the spirits of deceased Java and Ruby programmers 
> intent on changing the look and feel of Python to make it "real object 
> oriented"? *wink*

No, we have remembered that language design is not made up of trivial rules 
like “functions good, methods bad”, but of understanding the tradeoffs and how 
they apply in each case. 

> We have prior art here:
>    b'abcd'.memoryview  # No, not this.
>    memoryview(b'abcd')  # That's the one.

>    'abcd'.iter  # No, not that either.
>    iter('abcd')  # That's it
> In fairness, I do have to point out that dict views do use a method 
> interface,

This is a secondary issue that I’ll come back to, but first: the whole thing 
that this started off with is being able to use slicing syntax even when you 
don’t want a copy.

The parallel to the prior art is obvious:

    itertools.islice(seq, 10, 20) # if you don’t care about iterator or view
    sliceviews.slice(seq, 10, 20) # if you do

The first one already exists. The second one takes 15 lines of code, which I 
slapped together and posted near the start of the thread.

The only problem is that they don’t solve the problem of “use slicing syntax”. 
But if that’s the entire point of the proposal (at least for Chris), that’s a 
pretty big problem.

Now, as we’d already been discussing (and as you quoted), you _could_ have a 
callable like this:


I can write that in only a few more lines than what I posted before, and it 
works. But it’s no longer parallel to the prior art. It’s not a function that 
returns a view, it’s a wrapper object that can be sliced to provide a view. 
There are pros and cons of this wrapper object vs. the property, but a false 
parallel with other functions is not one of them.

> 1. Dict views came with a lot of backwards-compatibility baggage; 
> they were initially methods that returned lists; then methods 
> that returned iterators were added, then methods that returned 
> views were added, and finally in 3.x the view methods were renamed and 
> the other six methods were removed.

This is, if anything, a reason they _shouldn’t_ have been methods. Changing the 
methods from 2.6 to 2.7 to 3.x, and in a way that tools like six couldn’t even 
help without making all of your code a bit uglier, was bad, and wouldn’t have 
been nearly as much of a problem if we’d just made them all functions in 2.6.

And yet, the reasons for them being methods were compelling enough that they 
remain methods in 3.x, despite that problem. That’s how tradeoffs work.

> 2. There is only a single builtin mapping object, dict, not like 
> sequences where there are lists, tuples, range objects, strings, byte 
> strings and bytearrays.

Well. there’s also mappingproxy, which is a builtin even if its name is only 
visible in types. And there are other mappings in the stdlib, as well as 
popular third-party libraries like SortedContainers. And they all support these 
methods. There are some legacy third-party libraries never fully updated for 
3.x still out there, but they don’t meet the Mapping protocol or its ABC.

So, how does this distinction matter?

Note that there is a nearly opposite argument for the wrapper object that 
someone already made that both seem a lot compelling to me: third-party types. 
We can’t change them overnight. And some of them might already have an 
attribute named view, or anything else we might come up with. Those are real 
negatives with the property design, in a way that “more of the code we _can_ 
easily change is in the Objects rather than Lib directory of CPython” isn’t.

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