I think this would be useful, and doesn't break any backward
compatibility.  I would have use for it from time to time myself.

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 9:01 AM computermaster360 . <
computermaster...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I often find myself in a need of stripping only a specified amount of
> characters from a string (most commonly a single character). I have been
> implementing this in an ad-hoc manner, which is quite inelegant:
> def rstrip1(txt, chars):
>   if txt is None:
>     return None
>   elif any(txt.endswith(c) for c in chars):
>     return txt[:-1]
>   else:
>     return txt
> I would appreciate if str.split, str.lstrip, str.rsplit functions had a
> `maxstrip` argument, similar to the `maxsplit` argument of `str.split`,
> which would specify the maximum count of characters to be removed from the
> string. In case of `str.split` this maximum would apply to each side of the
> string separately.
> Am I the only one who is surprised such functionality is not implemented
> already??
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