On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 08:09:29AM +0000, Steve Barnes wrote:

> Unfortunately we have no control over where the tests may be run – if 
> run on Windows from the C: drive it could potentially brick the entire 
> machine, (which of course some people might consider a bonus of 
> course).

I'm rather shocked to learn that (allegedly?) you can brick modern 
Windows by filling the drive up. If this was Windows 95 I might believe 
it, but Windows 7 or 10? Have you confirmed this or is it just a guess?

As for strategies for the test... you could write the test to skip on 
Windows. Using `unittest`:

    @unittest.skipif(os.name == 'nt', 'dangerous to run on Windows')

Does Windows have the capacity to create a file system on the fly and 
then mount it, as we can do in Linux?

    # Untested.
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/disk count=2048
    mkfs.ntfs -v Untitled /tmp/disk
    sudo mount -t ntfs /tmp/disk /mnt/

In pseudo-code:

- create a temporary file of 2048 bytes;
- write a NTFS file system in that file;
- mount that file system somewhere so it is visible;

So have the test create a new file system on the fly, cd into that file 
system, run the test proper, and if it fills up, no harm done.

If you cannot create a file system on the fly, perhaps you can prepare 
one before hand, manually, as part of the test requirements, and refuse 
to run if that scratch (pseudo)disk doesn't exist.

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