> >     for obj in somelist:

> > >         if comparison(obj, needle):
> > >             do_something(obj)
> > >             break
> People who think in functional programming terms will probably love the
> `next(filter(...))` idiom, but not everyone thinks or likes functional
> programming idioms, and there are many people who would reject a patch
> containing that idiom.

I wouldn't reject it, but I don't love the functional idioms (well, I don't
love the functional functions (map, filter, vs comprehensions) -- I'd be
inclined to go the comprehension way --  which woukld only require
understanding next() if you only wanted the first one, but I suspect most
of the time you don't only want the first anyway.

1. It requires teaching people about iterators and `next` first.

Interesting -- in other recent threads, Ive felt that those of us that
thought "iterators and `next" were relatively advanced concepts that
newbies didn't need to learn were dismissed ...

But in this case:

next(i for i in a_list if pred(i))

doesn't really require the full concept of iterators and iterables -- it
requires comprehension syntax, and a quick "next() gives you the next item
in an 'iterator' and an 'iterator' is something you can put in a for loop."
-- yes, that leaves out all kinds of important details, but gets the job
done for now.

In fact, in my intro class, I've used "how to get the first item from a
thing" as my first introduction to next() :-)

2. If you want to operate on a sublist, you have to teach them about
> slicing, so you can introduce itertools.islice, rather than just say
> "give the start and end positions as arguments".

hmm -- a great reason to provide an easily accessible "lazy" slice -- like
the sequence view proposal recently discussed (and waiting for me to flesh
out ...)

> 3. If you need the index instead of the value, using filter becomes
> downwrite obfuscated:
>     next(filter(lambda t: pred(t[1]), enumerate(iterable)))[0]

indeed. but how often DO people need the index? I suspect many uses of
.index() are used to then get the object anyway. And I'm not sure it's THAT
obfuscated -- we teach folks to use enumerate() pretty early as a way to
avoid explicitly looping through indexes.

We have a simple answer to a simple question:
> "How do I search a list?"
> "Use list.index"
> With this proposal, we get:
> "How do I search a list by some key?"
> "Use list.index with a key function"

Interestingly, this seems to contradict API design-wise, what's been pushed
on recent threads:

* Rather than adding a keyword argument that changes behavior, we should
add another function to itertools (or the like)


* rather than add functionality to a built-in (or ABC), we should add
utility functions that can act on many related types

Granted, this is not a flag (neither boolean, ternary or mode-switching),
and it's not a new method, but the API principles may still apply. In
particular, a function in itertools would have a lot more utility for
various iterables, rather than just lists (or the /sequence ABC?)


Christopher Barker, PhD

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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