Changed subject line. This is far from original topic.

On Sun, May 24, 2020, 9:35 AM Ram Rachum <> wrote:

> What's wrong with using @? If I understand correctly, it's used for matrix
> multiplication, which is far enough from function composition to avoid
> confusion. And it's slightly similar visually to a circle.

I like @. Function composition is kinda-sorta enough like for product that
I can even make sense of the same operator.

But how would you go about getting a .__matmul__ attribute onto all
functions. For ones you write yourselves, you could decorate them at
definition. What about all the other functions though. I suppose this is

def foo(x):
    return x + "foo"

len = composable(len)

newfun = len @ foo @ str.upper
nbar = newfun("bar")  # 6

I deliberately didn't decorate str.upper in the example since it shouldn't
matter for a left-associative operator.
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