On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 3:42 AM David Mertz <me...@gnosis.cx> wrote:
> The pattern:
> def fun(..., option=None):
>     if option is None:
>         option = something_else
> Becomes second nature very quickly.  Once you learn it, you know it.  A line 
> of two of code isn't a big deal.

And it isn't entirely correct, because now None isn't a valid
parameter. It's an extremely common idiom right up until it doesn't
work, and you need:

_SENTINEL = object()
def fun(..., option=_SENTINEL):
    if option is _SENTINEL:
        option = something_else

Now, try doing that for multiple parameters at once. Or in a closure.
Or anything else that would make it more complicated.

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