On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 10:51 PM Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 08:04:07PM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > If it's a
> > language feature, then the name 'x' must be in the state of "local
> > variable without a value".
> Oh ho, I see what you are doing now :-)
> I'm going to stick with my argument that Python variables have two
> states: bound or unbound. But you want to talk about the *meta-state* of
> what scope they are in:
>     LEGB = Local, Enclosing (nonlocal), Global, Builtin
> There's at least one other case not captured in that acronym, Class
> scope. There may be other odd corner cases.
> In any case, if you want to distinguish between "unbound locals" and
> "unbound globals" and even "unbound builtins", then I acknowledge that
> these are genuine, and important, distinctions to make, with real
> semantic differences in Python.

The reason locals are special is that you can't have a module-level
name without a value, because it's exactly the same as simply not
having one; but you CAN have a local name that must be exactly that
local, and you can't look up a module or builtin name, but it still
doesn't have a value. I believe local scope is the only one that
behaves this way.

> But I think that the scope of a variable is metadata (metastate), when
> it comes to the state of any variable (whether LEGB or C) it can be
> bound to a value or unbound and that's all.

Sure. But "unbound" is a state. In theory, you could have an optional
parameter which, if no value is given, has no value stored in it.

> At this point I'm not sure what, if any, difference to the current
> discusion it will make whether we label a variable's scope metastate or
> state.

Agreed, I don't care whether it's "state" or "metastate". I would just
call it "state" - the name has no value associated with it, yet it is
local - but if you want to consider it a metastate of "unbound" as
distinct from its main state (which would be the value), then sure.

> > This is a valid situation. There is no value, but this is the state of
> > the variable. It's not "no state" any more than zero is a non-number
> > or NULL is a non-pointer.
> Zero is definitely a number with a value. It's the additive identity.
> NULL being a pointer is, I think, a mere consequence of the impoverished
> type systems of languages like C :-)
> The idea of NULL is that it should be just pointer-ish enough to satisfy
> the compiler and allow you to assign it to pointer variables, but not
> pointer-ish enough to fool the compiler into allowing you to dereference
> it and crash the machine.

Exactly. All of them ARE states. A box containing nothing is validly
containing zero things. A NULL pointer is an actual thing. And an
unbound local name is a real situation that can be seen.

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