You raise valid points - notably about how JSON isn't a great target in

On 6/17/20 8:42 AM, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
> 1. Initial standard allowed only JSON objects and JSON arrays at the top
> level, but Python implementations allowed all. Now the standard has been
> changed.

This seems like a non-issue now, though - if we're explicitly making the
decision that RFC8259 is what we refer to as the standard Python should
conform to.

> 2. Initial standard allowed binary input and suggested algorithm to
> determine the encoding (if it one of UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 with
> variations). Current standard requires UTF-8 encoding. Python
> implementation uses the above algorithm (with variation). You can also
> use arbitrary explicit encoding.

Good point - but the non-conformity is on the deserialization side, and
serialization/encoding is conformant (with an option to break
conformity). I still feel strongly about focusing on the encoding path
for now (while responsibly keeping in mind the state of the
decoding/deserialization path - trying to also fix it if some sort of
rfc-compatibility is indeed implemented).

> 3. Python implementation supports integers of arbitrary size. Other
> implementations can be limited to 32- or 64-bit integers.
> 4. Python implementation is limited to precision and range of IEEE-754
> for non-integer numbers. Other implementations can support larger
> precision and range.
> 5. Python implementation supports single surrogate characters in
> strings. Other implementations can be limited.

3, 4 & 5 are unfortunate effects of the JSON spec being Not Very Good.
However, we can still strive to declare conformity to the spec while
being potentially incompatible with some other implementations.

> 6. Python implementation can produce JSON objects with duplicated keys
> (and their order was unspecified before 3.6), for example when serialize
> {1: 1, "1": 2}.

RFC8529 doesn't prohibit this [1] by weaseling out^W^Wsaying that they
SHOULD be unique. So this is technically conformant, but I personally
wouldn't mind some way of optionally making serialization more strict in
this regard.

> So there is more than one meaning in the term "strict", and it may be
> changed with changing the JSON standard.

So I think there's two separate things here:

1) Strictness wrt. to the standard: with allow_nan set to False I can't
see how the implementation is not strict/conformant wrt. RFC 8259, at
least on the serialization side - so I don't see any issues with
evolving this option into a strict/conformant mode. Naturally the
question arises on whether replacements to RFC 8259 won't break this
compatibility - but this is something that is possible with any
standard. JSON does indeed not have the greatest history in this
regards, but with RFC8259 I feel that we can hope for a glimpse of
stability and responsible future revisions.

2) Compatibility with other implementations: as you noted in your points
3, 4, 5 and 6, even strict conformity to the standard does not guarantee
interoperability with other implementations for some data. However, I
still think that this isn't a problem if strictness/conformity is
explicitly defined to be conforming to a given standard, and explaining
that even with that there is no guarantee for interoperability.

Perhaps 'strict' isn't the best term because of its vagueness - but
would you agree that some sort of named, conformant-with-RFC82599 option
(eg. 'conformant', or 'rfc_compat{,ible,ibility}') would be a better
choice than 'allow_nan=False'?

[1] - “The names within an
      object SHOULD be unique.”
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