On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 06:16:05AM -0500, Dan Sommers wrote:

> >    already_there = seen.add(element)
> >    if already_there:
> >        # handle the duplicate case
> >
> >Who thinks like that? *wink*
> Anyone who practices EAFP rather than LBYL?  Or is that why you're 
> winking?

That doesn't come naturally, and in single-threaded code it's also 

By the way, since there's no try...except involved and no need to catch 
an exception, it's not EAFP.

> >But either way, you also have to decide whether the `add` (or 
> >the new 
> >method) should *unconditionally* insert the element, or only do 
> >so if it 
> >wasn't present. This makes a big difference:
> >
> >    seen = {2}
> >    already_there = seen.add(2.0)
> >
> >At this point, is `seen` the set {2} or {2.0}? Justify why one 
> >answer is 
> >the best answer.
> The actual best answer is left as an exercise for the interested 
> reader, but whatever it is, it's justified by backwards 
> compatibility, the existing definition of "present," and the 
> principle of least surprise:

The documentation doesn't guarantee one behaviour or another:


>    Python 3.8.3 (default, May 17 2020, 18:15:42)
>    [GCC 10.1.0] on linux
>    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more 
>    information.
>    >>> seen = {2}
>    >>> 2.0 in seen
>    True
>    >>> seen.add(2.0)
>    >>> seen
>    {2}

Well I'm completely surprised, because I expected `add` to, you know, 
actually add the element replacing the one that was already there!

Seriously, I genuinely thought that the existing behaviour was the 
opposite and that `add` unconditionally added the element. "Last seen 
wins". If I was designing sets, that's probably how I would design it. 
After all, it's called *add*, not *add if not already there*. I was so 
sure that this was the current behaviour that I didn't bother to check 
it before posting, which is rare for me.

So I think this counts as the principle of maximal surprise :-)

Should the flag be "element was already present and nothing was added" 
or "element was not there, so something was added"?

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