I don't recall why this was done. It seems somewhat odd, since Set and
Mapping in the same module do have __eq__. I don't care much for the
default implementation though.

(I don't understand why you would want to inherit from both Sequence and
Set -- and certainly the resulting mongrel type would have to behave
weirdly in order to conform to user expectations for both of its parents,
regardless of what you do for __le__.)

Traditionally we've been very reluctant to add new methods to existing
ABCs, because of the implications for classes everywhere that inherit from

On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 5:16 AM Joao S. O. Bueno <jsbu...@python.org.br>

> Is there any reason why collections.abc.[Sequence|MutableSequence] do
> not have "__eq__" for free?
> I was writing some tests now and was caught by surprise there.
> (chcking the docs, if my custom MutbaleSequence also
> inherits from "collections.abc.Set" I will have working "__eq__" - and
> "__ne__", methods
> but also weirdly behaved "__le__" and cousins as a side efffect  - weird
> enough
> I think i will just hand-write the "__eq__")
> While theoretically adding "__eq__"  and "__ne__" _could_ hab
> backward compatibility issues, I think it is more probable it would
> actually fix some undetected bugs i a couple projets, as the default
> __eq__ is
> an identity comparison (is).
> Anyway, maybe there is a reason it is not a given. Any thoughts?
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