This class or closure to clamp at specific bounds is nice. But I want to
clamp based on runtime values for upper/lower fairly often. A function is
much better for that use.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020, 11:22 AM Jonathan Fine <> wrote:

> Hi All
> This is related to discussion
> In Python, lists don't have a join method. Instead, it's strings that have
> the join method. Hence we have:
>     >>> ', '.join('abcde')
>     'a, b, c, d, e'
> The intermediate method we can save and store and use again.
>     >>> joiner = ', '.join
>     >>> joiner('fghijk')
>     'f, g, h, i, j, k'
> We can do something similar when clamping, clipping or trimming a value.
> For example, suppose we want limits on the room temperature, that the
> thermostat cannot override.
>     >>> aircon_clipper = Clamper(50, 80)
>     >>> thermostat_temp = 40
>     >>> target_temp = aircon_temp_clipper(thermostat_temp)
>     >>> target_temp
>     50
> What I like best about this is that the name of the function --
> aircon_temp_clipper -- gives the reason for the clipping (or clamping). And
> this name can be chosen to suit the domain. I also like that it wraps the
> high and low values (50 and 80) as data used by a method.
> Here's an implementation of Clamper.
>     class Clamper:
>         def __init__(self, lo, hi):
>             if not lo <= hi:
>                 raise ValueError
>             self._lo = lo
>             self._hi = hi
>         def __call__(self, num):
>             lo, hi = self._lo, self._hi
>             at_least_lo = (lo <= num)
>             at_most_hi = (hi >= num)
>             if at_least_lo and at_most_hi:
>                 return num
>             elif at_least_lo:
>                 return hi
>             elif at_most_hi:
>                 return lo
>             else:
>                 raise ValueError
> If performance is important to you, you could instead use a closure to
> create a function. This would also allow you to provide a docstring.
> I hope this helps at least some of the people some of the time.
> --
> Jonathan
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