On Wed, 22 Jul 2020 at 13:45, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 22 Jul 2020 at 13:18, Mathew Elman <mathew.el...@ocado.com> wrote:
> >> Ones that retain else on loops are bad because
> >> they end up providing two (typically equally confusing) ways of doing
> >> things.
> >
> > I don't think this is the case. I agree that adding an alternative to
> `else` just to have an alternative is not a good fix, but adding explicit
> ways to refer to when breaking from the loop would make the use of `else`
> as it already is clearer.
> >
> > For example, breaking the change into 2 parts:
> > 1. Adding `elif` to the `for...else` and `while...else` statements seems
> a logical extension. Guido has even said that the else in loops was
> invented by reasoning the connection of `if` to `while` (and then `while`
> to `for`). Perhaps this should be in its own discussion so as not to
> clutter this thread?
> IMO, allowing
>     for ...
>     elif x == 2:
>         do something
> to mean "if we didn't break out of the loop, and x is 2" would be
> really confusing.

I don't think this would be any more confusing than `for...else` already
is, and `while...elif...else` still seems like a logical extension of

while x < 10:
    delta = get_delta(x)
    if delta == 0:
    x += delta
elif x%2:
    print(f"{x} is odd and > 10")
    print(f"{x} is even and > 10")

> And to have the elif after a loop be limited to a
> different set of conditions than "ordinary" elif would *also* be
> really confusing.

Absolutely! I would not suggest limiting it to any special cases. Hence why
I split up the change. Adding a way to *also* use the elif to check the
state of the loop is a separate discussion. Be that by using `break` as a
special boolean or some other way.

> > 2. Adding a way to use this new `elif` to check the state of the loop.
> Possibly including if it was broken out of or if it was never entered. Such
> as having special local variables that are only defined in the block/frame
> of the loop.
> Same logic here - if we allow "elif not break" (for example), it would
> be really confusing to *arbitrarily* only allow that if the elif is
> attached to a loop. So we need to define what
>     if x == 2:
>         do something
>     elif not break:
>         what?

means in general code. And that means inventing rules for the scope of
> "break as an expression".

And in a similar vein, what does it mean to
> pass "break" to a function?
>     def invert(flag):
>         return not flag
>     for
>         ...
>     elif invert(break):
>         ...

That is fair enough, like I have said I am not attached (though others may
be) to the idea of using `break` as a special boolean. Would it be more
feasible to have a variable that persists beyond the scope of the loop and
is not `break` but something else? For example, and this is not 100%
serious but something like : `iter.broken`, `iter.enetered` etc.

> It's not that any of these things are *reasonable* to do, it's that
> all the special cases needed to disallow them would be confusing, and
> if we *didn't* disallow them, all of the rules needed to give them
> meaning in (conceded) unreasonable places would be confusing.
> The trick here is *not* to look at the case that you expect the
> construct to be used in - obviously it'll look good to you in that
> context, if you like the idea at all. What you need to look at is all
> the other ways it could be applied, and verify that the costs justify
> the improvement that you saw when you first encountered the idea.

Good point, I think this is a well made argument for *not* making `break`
have a second meaning.


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