On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 11:18:40AM -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> > Just to clarify here, I assume you mean that if xarray cares about
> > order-preserving keywords, they should write their methods this way:
> >
> >     def __getitem__(self, index=None, **kwargs):
> >
> > rather than mandating that keyword args are *always* bundled into a
> > single dict parameter.
> >
> Um, I'm not sure what "bundled into a single dict parameter" refers to.
> That the signature would be
> ```
> def __getitem__(self, index, kwargs, /):
> ```
> ? That sounds bad for people who want to use a few choice keywords. (And I
> think you'd be against that, for that very reason; as am I.)

Yes, that's exactly it!

The analogy is with comma-separated items in the subscript, which get 
collected (bundled) into a tuple, rather than allocated to multiple 

And you are correct that I am against that. If people want that 
behavious for their class, they can use `**kwargs`.

So I think we're on the same page here.

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