On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 08:52:22PM -0700, Christopher Barker wrote:
> I am a -0 on this, but I think it was Greg Ewing that presented a real use
> case:
> There is no way to use literal_eval that gets you an inf (or NaN value).
> Which is a real, though maybe not important, use case.

That's not a *use-case*. A use-case is practical problem you are trying 
to solve.

Without a use-case for why you need literal_value to return an inf, 
that's merely an observation, no different from the observation that 
there is no way to use zip or list to get an inf. It's true, but so 

That's not a rhetorical question. It might be that there is a good 
use-case for using literal_eval and needing to generate infinities.

But there are many objects that you can't construct with literal_eval. 
Because they aren't literals, or even semi-literals like tuple displays 
and complex numbers. It's not clear to me that we should care about
infs and NANs in literal_eval.

But if we should care, making inf (and NAN?) a builtin constant is 
probably not the best solution.

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