On 10/13/20, Mike Miller <python-id...@mgmiller.net> wrote:
> The legacy Windows console has another limitation in that I don't believe it
> has a single API call to clear the whole thing.  One must iterate over the 
> whole
> buffer and write spaces to each cell, or some similar craziness.

No, it's not really similar craziness -- at least not from the client
program's perspective. The implementation in the console host itself
is probably something like that.

CMD's CLS is implemented with three API calls:
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo to get the screen-buffer dimensions and
default text attributes, ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW to shift the
buffer out, and SetConsoleCursorPosition to move the cursor to (0,0).


The following debugger session is while stepped into CMD's eCls()
function that implements the CLS command. This is just before it calls
ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW, with parameters 1-4 in registers rcx, rdx,
r8, and r9, and parameter 5 on the stack.

lpScrollRectangle (rdx): the entire screen buffer (sized 125 x 9001)
is to be scrolled.

    0:000> ?? ((SMALL_RECT *)@rdx)
    struct _SMALL_RECT * 0x000000e9`be8ff8b8
       +0x000 Left             : 0n0
       +0x002 Top              : 0n0
       +0x004 Right            : 0n125
       +0x006 Bottom           : 0n9001

dwDestinationOrigin (r9): the target row is -9001, so the contents of
the entire buffer are shifted out.

    0:000> ?? (short)(@r9 >> 16)
    short 0n-9001

lpFill (rsp / stack): use a space with the default attributes (in my
case background color 0 and foreground color 7, in the current
16-color palette).

    0:000> ?? ((CHAR_INFO **)@rsp)[4]->Char.UnicodeChar
    wchar_t 0x20 ' '
    0:000> ?? ((CHAR_INFO **)@rsp)[4]->Attributes
    unsigned short 7
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