On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 6:20 PM Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:

> spam = eggs = cheese = None
> f"{spam:d} {eggs:d} {cheese:d}" = "123 456"

Wow! That sure looks like a strong anti-pattern.

If some variable was assigned somewhere very distant in the program flow, a
parser might succeed where it would otherwise fail!  It's not technically
spooky action at a distance, but it's troublingly close.

In contrast a plain function has none of that problem behavior.

> >     spam, eggs, cheese = sscanf("%d %d %d", "123 432", missing=None)

I wouldn't mind a version of this that was "inspired by" f-strings.  But
even there, the requirements are subtly different.  E.g.:

myvals = sscanf("{spam:d} {eggs:d} {cheese:d}", "123 432", missing=None)

I can see a good idea of `myvals` being a dictionary not a tuple.  But
that's close to the color of the bikeshed.

Just to repeat, a "scanf-string" just cannot be the same thing as an
f-string.  Here is a perfectly good f-string, similar to ones I use all the

f"More than foo is {foo+1}"

There's just no way to make f-strings into an assignment target... what is
POSSIBLE is making "some subset of f-strings (yet to be precisely
specified)" patterns for a scan.

I hate the idea of putting that subset to the left of an equal sign.  But
defining a subset as an argument for a function sounds great.  Actually,
however, I think the scanf-string rules should be probably not strictly a
subset, but rather a "strongly overlapping set that is mostly a subset but
also has a few new things."

The dead increasingly dominate and strangle both the living and the
not-yet born.  Vampiric capital and undead corporate persons abuse
the lives and control the thoughts of homo faber. Ideas, once born,
become abortifacients against new conceptions.
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