On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 08:31:34PM +1100, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table} VALUES (1, '{}');")
SyntaxError: f-string: empty expression not allowed

Escape the braces by doubling them:
   f"INSERT INTO {table} VALUES (1, '{{}}');"

Thank you for (ugly) workaorund.

The problem here is with the f-string, not the call to cursor.execute.
We can simplify the example to this:
and avoid the distraction of JSON, SQL, databases, etc.

Technically we can, but the context give us a useful example.
Strings like f"Use braces ({}) for {something}."
are also a useful example.

Empty expression in f-string should
* (silently) expand as '{}' (opening and closing braces),
* generate a (compile time) warning if requested, e.g. with -W.

We could do that, but this is more likely to just hide bugs in the
f-string than be useful.

Thank you, that would be great and useful.
Users will be warned before potentially bug two times:
1) They will see the {} in output (which should be tested).
2) By the compiler when they ask for (-W), which is a better behaviour than 
forced carefulness.

BR, H.
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