I would like to propose dict (or mapping) unpacking assignment. This is 
inspired in part by the Python-Ideas thread "f-strings as assignment 
targets", dict unpacking in function calls, and iterable unpacking 

Comments welcome.


Iterable unpacking assignment:

    values = (1, 2, 3)
    a, b, c = *values

is a very successful and powerful technique in Python. Likewise dict 
unpacking in function calls and dict displays:

    kwargs = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
    d = {**kwargs, 'c': 3}

There have been various requests for allowing dict unpacking on the 
right-hand side of an assignment [citation required] but in my opinion 
none of them have had a good justification.

Motivated by the idea of scanning text strings with a scanf-style 
function, I propose the following behaviour for dict unpacking 

    items = {'eggs': 2, 'cheese': 3, 'spam': 1}
    spam, eggs, cheese = **items
    assert spam == 1 and eggs == 2 and cheese == 3


    target_list [, **target] = **expression

`target_list` is a comma-separated list of targets. Targets may be:

- simple names, e.g. `spam` and `eggs`

- dotted names, e.g. `spam.eggs`

- numbered subscripts, e.g. `spam[1]`

but is not required to support arbitrary complex targets such as:

    spam(*args).eggs(2*x + y)[1].cheese  # not supported

Likewise only int literals are supported for subscripts. (These 
restrictions may be lifted.)

This is similar to the limited range of fields acceptabled by the string 
format mini-language. The same restrictions apply to `**target`.

Each target must be unique.

`expression` must evaluate to a dict or other mapping.

Assignment proceeds by matching up targets from the left to keys on the 

1. Every target must be matched exactly by a key. If there is a target 
without a corresponding key, that is an error.

2. Any key which does not match up to a target is an error, unless a 
`**target` is given.

3. If `**target` is given, it will collect any excess key:value pairs 
remaining into a dict.

4. If the targets and keys match up, then the bindings are applied from 
left to right, binding the target to the value associated with that key.


    # Targets are not unique
    a, b, a = **items
    => SyntaxError

    # Too many targets
    a, b, c = **{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
    => raises a runtime exception

    # Too few targets
    a = **{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
    => raises a runtime exception

    a, **extras = **{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
    assert a == 1
    assert extras == {'b': 2}

    # Equal targets and keys
    a, b, **extras = **{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
    assert a == 1
    assert b == 2
    assert extras == {}

    # Dotted names
    from types import SimpleNamespace
    obj = SimpleNamespace()
    obj.spam = **{'obj.spam': 1}
    assert obj.spam == 1

    # Subscripts
    arr = [None]*5
    arr[1], arr[3] = **{'arr[3]': 33, 'arr[1]': 11}
    assert arr == [None, 11, None, 33, None]

Assignments to dotted names or subscripts may fail, in which case the 
assignment may only partially succeed:

    spam = 'something'
    eggs = None
    spam, eggs.attr = {'spam': 1, 'eggs.attr': 2}
    # raises AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'attr'
    # but `spam` may have already been bound to 1

(I think that this is undesirable but unavoidable.)

Motivating use-cases

The motivation comes from the discussion for scanf-like functionality. 
The addition of dict unpacking assignment would allow something like 

    pattern = "I'll have {main} and {extra} with {colour} coffee."
    string = "I'll have spam and eggs with black coffee."
    main, extra, colour = **scanf(pattern, string)

    assert main == 'spam'
    assert extra == 'eggs'
    assert colour == 'black'

But the possibilities are not restricted to string scanning. This will 
allow functions that return multiple values to choose between returning 
them by position or by name:

    height, width = get_dimensions(window)  # returns a tuple
    height, width = **get_dimensions(window)  # returns a mapping

Developers can choose whichever model best suits their API.

Another use-case is dealing with kwargs inside functions and methods:

    def method(self, **kwargs):
        spam, eggs, **kw = **kwargs
        process(spam, eggs)

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