On Fri, 23 Oct 2020 at 06:35, Random832 <random...@fastmail.com> wrote:

> Does anyone else remember when xkcd first mentioned python? The main
> selling point it had for it [and the one that was actually literally true,
> vs 'import antigravity' which was a semi-satirical bit about the
> batteries-included philosophy] was 'Hello world is just print "Hello,
> world!"'

For reference the XKCD is https://xkcd.com/353/. I think the point of the
XKCD is not the difference between print "Hello World" and print("Hello
World") but all the other clutter normally needed (importing stdio.h in C
and main function comes to mind) and the other batteries included
(anti-gravity as a joke, but more seriously, all the lovely modules the
users can use by default).

> Wouldn't it be nice if that were true again, even if the details of how it
> works [and other things like how you print to other files] aren't quite the
> same as they used to be?

I disagree as do many in this thread.
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