Although that is not a pattern I recall I had needed, but for the first
item in a generator,
I recognize it is more complicated than it should to be able to do that.

However, not only that would be too big  a change for all this objects
I think one would expect an object providing index access with `[]`
 to also have a `len`.

Also, see it as potentially making a lot of code error-prone:
let's say one gets passed a generator where a sequence is expected.
In current Python, if an item is accessed by index, one just get an explicit
IndexError. If objects change to having indexes, two consecutive access
to `gen[1]`  will consume the generator and return different values. That
could be very confusing.

On the other hand, as I said, I can't come up with
a simple pattern to get the nth item - so probably we
should think of an easy and performant way.

One way I can think of is to have a named parameter
to the `next` built-in that would allow one to move forward more than one

Say: `fith_element = next(gen, skip=4) `

and finally, one way I could think of retrieving the n
element is:

In [19]: a = (i for i in range(0, 100, 10))

In [20]: next(b for i, b in enumerate(a) if i==5)

Out[20]: 50

It definitely feels like there should be a simpler way,
but I just could not come up with it.

On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 at 10:35, Nuri Jung <> wrote:

> How about enabling subscription operator (`[]`) for generator expressions?
> Also for all `zip()`, `key()`, etc. They could be evaluated in the
> background only for the requested amount, to avoid evaluating the whole
> expression to something like a list or tuple, then indexed.
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