On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 8:39 PM Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 at 11:01, Inada Naoki <songofaca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 5:33 PM Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > So get PYTHONUTF8 added to the environment activate script. That's a
> > > simple change to venv. And virtualenv, and conda - yes, it need to
> > > happen in multiple places, but that's still easier IMO than proposing
> > > a change to Python's already complex (and slower than many of us would
> > > like) startup process.
> >
> > I am not sure this idea works fine. Is the activate script always
> > called when venv is used on Windows?
> >
> > When I use venv on Unix, I often just execute .venv/bin/some-script
> > without activating the venv.
> So in your training course, tell users to activate the environment.

I am not sure here. It's not my training course. Target user is
thousands of students.
They may don't use command prompt at all.

> Experienced users (like you) who can run scripts directly aren't the
> target of this change, are they? This is one of the frustrating points
> here, I'm not clear who the target is. When I say it wouldn't help me,
> I'm told I'm not the target. When I suggest an alternative, it
> apparently isn't useful because it wouldn't work for you...

I'm sorry about it. I didn't mean "it don't work for me". I meant just
I am not sure activation script is always executed.

I looked vscode-python and found it execute the activation script.
I am not sure about PyCharm yet, but it works if they works like vscode-python.

Another story is clicking .exe files in the Scripts/ directory.
But it can be fixed by changing only the launcher exe.

Adding per-venv UTF-8 mode is one attractive option. We can keep
python.exe untouched.

> > Students may need to learn about encoding at some point.
> > But when they learn "how to read/write file" first time, they don't
> > need to know what encoding is.
> Agreed.
> > VSCode, notepad, PyCharm use UTF-8 by default.
> > Students don't need to learn how to use encoding other than UTF-8
> > until really need it.
> If they only use ASCII files and a system codepage that is the same as
> ASCII for the first 127 characters, they it's irrelevant. If they read
> data from a legacy system, that is quite likely to be in the system
> codepage (most of the local files I use at work, for example, are not
> UTF-8).

But students don't know what is ASCII yet.

> So I'd say that many students don't need to learn how to use *any*
> encoding until they need it. But I'm not a professional trainer, so my
> experience is limited.
> > We can add "Enable the UTF-8 mode" checkbox to the installer.
> > And we can have "Enable the UTF-8 mode" tool in the start menu.
> > So students don't need to edit the ini file manually.
> Those options could set the environment variable. After all, that's
> what "Add Python to PATH" does, and people seem OK with that. No need
> for an ini file (that adds an extra file read to the startup time, as
> has already been mentioned as a downside).
> > The problem is; should we recommend to enable UTF-8 mode globally by
> > setting environment variable, or provide a per-site UTF-8 mode
> > setting?
> What precisely do you mean by "per site"? Do you mean "per Python
> interpreter"? Do you view separate virtual environments as "sites"?

One installation is one site. One venv is one site. One conda env is one site.
I don't know proper term for it, but I call it "site" because all of
them have one "site-packages".

> > They may not want to promote UTF-8 mode until official Python promote
> > UTF-8 mode.
> > So I think venv should support UTF-8 mode first.
> That's fair enough. Although I'd like to point out the parallel here -
> you're saying "environment tools might not want to make UTF8 the
> default until Python does". I'm saying "Python might not want to make
> UTF8 the default until the OS does". I'm not completely sure why your
> argument is stronger than mine :-)

Oh, I don't propose changing the default encoding for now.

Microsoft provides "Beta: use unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language
support in my PC" option.
It affects to all application. It is similar to global PYTHONUTF8
environment variable.

Microsoft provides UTF-8 code page (*) too. It affects only one application.
It is similar to per-site UTF-8 mode idea.


So what i am proposing is not more aggressive than Microsoft.
Microsoft provides similar options already.

> > Because it solves many real world problem that many Windows users suffer.
> OK. My experience differs, but that's fine. But why wasn't this a
> consideration when UTF8 mode was first designed? At that point, an
> interpreter flag and an environment variable were considered
> sufficient. Why is that no longer true? Is it because the initial
> design of UTF8 mode ignored Windows?

When I accepted the UTF-8 mode, main target is server application.
Some Unix server OS (especially "minimal" container images) only have C locale.
Since target users are server side programmers, command-line arg and
environment variable are enough.

I knew UTF-8 mode is interesting for Windows too. But Windows users
were not main target when I accepted it.
After UTF-8 mode is shipped, I noticed UTF-8 mode is very nice for
Windows users who learning Python.

> Why, if this is such a
> Windows-specific problem?

For Unix (macOS, iPadOS, Android, ChromeOS, and Linux) desktop users,
they uses UTF-8 locale already. Students can learn Python in "UTF-8 is
default" environment.
UTF-8 mode is used for server applications running in C locale. Server
side programmers are familar with command line and environment

On the other hand, Most students learning Python on Windows are not
server-side programmer. They are not familar with command line and
environment variables. And they are suffered by UnicodeError for now,
because the default encoding for text files are not UTF-8.

That is the key difference.

> Sigh. To be honest, I don't have the time (or the interest) to go back
> over all the history here. I think I'm just going to have to drop this
> discussion and wait to comment when a concrete proposal is put
> forward. PEP 597 is the only actual PEP on the table at the moment,
> everything else is just speculation, and I really can't keep up with
> the volume of discussion in the various threads.
> Paul

I'm sorry about it. I have not chose actual implementation yet so I
can not write concrete PEP yet.

Inada Naoki  <songofaca...@gmail.com>
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