Why don’t we also add dataclasses.POS_ONLY as well? Anything before it is 
positional argument. 

class LotsOfFields:
    x: Any 
    y: Any
    z: Any 
    a: Any
    __: dataclasses.KW_ONLY
    b: Any = 0
    c: Any = 'foo'
    d: Any
    e: Any = 0.0
    f: Any
    g: Any = ()
    h: Any = 'bar'
    i: Any = 3+4j
    j: Any = 10
    k: Any

The generated __init__ would look like:

def __init__(self, x, y, z, /, a, *, b=0, c='foo', d, e=0.0, f, g=(), h='bar', 
i=3+4j, j=10, k):

Similar to dataclasses.KW_ONLY, you can use dataclasses.POS_ONLY only once. It 
should always come before dataclasses.KW_ONLY. Anything else, it should raise 
an error. If dataclasses.POS_ONLY came right after the class declaration (no 
instance attribute preceding it), an error is generated similar to what we have 
right now. Inheritance is build up (from super class to sub class) of three 
groups of arguments: pos_only arguments together, then mixed arguments, and 
then kw_only arguments. repr should work the same way. We would like to 
reconstruct the object from repr. We don’t want too much change from current 

Lets create a class that inherits from the above class.. 

class LessFields(LotsOfFields):
        x2: Any
        _: dataclasses.POS_ONLY 
        a2: Any 
        b2: Any 

The generated __init__ would look like:

def __init__(self, x, y, z, x2, /, a, a2, *, b=0, c='foo', d, e=0.0, f, g=(), 
h='bar', i=3+4j, j=10, k, b2):

Another class.. 

Class EvenLessFields(LessFields):
        a3: Any
        _: dataclasses.KW_ONLY
        b3: Any = 9 

The generated __init__ would look like:

def __init__(self, x, y, z, x2, /, a, a2, a3, *, b=0, c='foo', d, e=0.0, f, 
g=(), h='bar', i=3+4j, j=10, k, b2, b3=9):

All arguments are ordered from the super super class until the subclass all in 
their respective path or group of arguments. 


> On 16 Mar 2021, at 1:18 AM, Eric V. Smith <e...@trueblade.com> wrote:
> @dataclasses.dataclass
> class LotsOfFields:
>     a: Any
>     _: dataclasses.KW_ONLY
>     b: Any = 0
>     c: Any = 'foo'
>     d: Any
>     e: Any = 0.0
>     f: Any
>     g: Any = ()
>     h: Any = 'bar'
>     i: Any = 3+4j
>     j: Any = 10
>     k: Any
> Which I think is a lot clearer.
> The generated __init__ would look like:
> def __init__(self, a, *, b=0, c='foo', d, e=0.0, f, g=(), h='bar', i=3+4j, 
> j=10, k):

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