On 12.04.2021 12:13, Stéfane Fermigier wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 11:39 AM M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com
> <mailto:m...@egenix.com>> wrote:
>     I don't think that trying to do this programmatically via some
>     kind of language construct is a good approach.
> It's not the only approach, but I argue that it's useful. Two use cases:
> - IDE's that will nudge the developer towards importing the "right" objects.
> - Linters and runtime checkers that will issue warnings / errors and minimise
> the amount of human code auditing or reviewing.
When writing code against an API you typically read the documentation.
Without knowing which APIs you need or how they are used, a list of
public APIs won't really get you to running code :-)

>     The public API of a library is the one which is documented as
>     such. 
> Right, except that in practice:
> 1) Many useful libraries are not documented or properly documented. 

In those cases, I'd argue that such libraries then do not really care
for a specific public API either :-)

> 2) People don't read the docs (at least not always, and/or not in details).
Uhm, how can you write code against a package without knowing how it
is used ?

>     That's really all there is to it. Documentation is written
>     explicitly by the author of a package and languages provides
>     a lot more nuances than using some programmatic mechanism.
>     E.g. you may have situations where you have more than one level of
>     documented APIs, e.g. a public stable one and an experimental
>     one which is likely to change over time, or a high level one and
>     a low-level one, where more care has to be applied in using it.
> Yes. This can be formalized by having more than one namespace for the Public 
> API.
I just listed some variants. If you want to capture all nuances,
you'd end up creating a mini-language specifically for defining
the public APIs... then why not just write this down in the
documentation rather than inventing a new DSL ?

>     Or you have APIs which are deprecated but still public and you
>     know that the APIs will go away in a future version, so you should
>     probably not start using them in new code and plan for a refactoring
>     of existing code.
> There are already conventions and tools for that, e.g. the @deprecated 
> decorator
> (https://pypi.org/project/Deprecated/).
Sure, but again: this is just another aspect to consider.

There can be plenty more, e.g. say some APIs are only available on
specific platforms, or may only be used when certain external
libraries are present or configurations are used.

Or let's say that a specific API only works on CPython, but not in
PyPy, or Jython.

And the platform your IDE is running on may not have those
requirements enabled or available.

Should those "public API" attributes then include all variants or
just the ones which do work on your platform ?

(playing devil's advocate here)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Experts (#1, Apr 12 2021)
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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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