On Thu, May 06, 2021 at 03:09:33PM -0000, Shreyan Avigyan wrote:

> What I'm suggesting is that introducing a new keyword or decorator as 
> required to create a variable that can be modified from within the 
> class but not outside the class.

That's an interesting suggestion, but how do you define "within the 

My guess is that you have used a lot of Java, or at least read a lot of 
Object Oriented Programming theory that is based on the Java model. In 
Java "inside the class" is easy: it is a method that is written under 
the class keyword in the same file as the class. The Java compiler can 
determine statically which methods belong to the class, which to a 
parent class or a subclass, and can enforce access rules for "private, 
public, protected" etc.

And the consequence is that, anecdotally, Java programmers spend a lot 
of time fighting the compiler trying to work around overzealous and 
unnecessary use of private and protected keywords. They usually do that 
by using reflection:


Now consider Python. We can, and do, create classes dynamically. For 
example, we can inject methods into a class at runtime:

    class Spam(object):

    # Later on
    def method(self, arg):
        self._private = arg

    Spam.method = method

The class and the method don't even need to be defined in the same file.

We can add methods to instances:

    from types import MethodType
    instance = Spam()
    instance.view = MethodType(lambda self: print(self._private), instance)

Both of those are fairly unusual things to do. Maybe less than 1% of 
classes wouold use those techniques. But a *very* common technique is 
to use decorators:

    def decorate(method):
        def inner(self, arg):
            # count the number of times the method is called
            self._counter += 1
            return method(self, arg)
        return inner

    class Eggs(object):
        def method(self, x):

The important thing here is that at runtime, it is difficult or 
impossible for the interpreter to tell the difference between a "normal" 
method which is defined statically inside the class, and a decorated or 
injected method which came from "outside" the class. It possibly could 
be done, but only at a significant runtime cost, and it would probably 
be easy for people to work around.

If Python had a "private" keyword that worked as you wanted, it would 
likely be more of a nuisance than a usual feature, and like Java 
programmers, we would probably spend too much time working around the 
overzealous use of the feature.

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