On Fri, 14 May 2021 at 09:24, Martin Teichmann <martin.teichm...@gmail.com>

> Hi list,
> when dividing two integers, the result is a float, which means we
> immediately lose precision. This is not good if you want to use code which
> supports higher precision. Decimals come to mind, but also sympy. This loss
> of precision could be avoided if the result of a division is a fraction
> instead: a fraction is exact.

"...Although practicality beats purity."

This is a nice idea, but I think this ship has sailed.
Performance reasons apart, I think that most builtin (as in compiled from C
or other native code) calls that expect  a float simply won't work
with a Fraction object as it is today in Python.

Yes, not for the drawbacks, this could be nice - but it spells
an avalanche of trouble, a lot of which due to the fact that the Fraction
and all concepts in the Numeric Tower, had not sem much active use
in a lot of domains Python is used.

If you take all  examples on the static typing frontend, for example,
they all check for "float" when requiring non-integer numbers.
(Instead of, say "numbers.Real") - so almost all type-annotated code
would break with this change.

> So when writing Decimal(1/3), currently we lose the precision in the
> division, something that the Decimal module cannot undo. With my proposal,
> the entire precision is retained, and it works as expected. This is even
> more clear for sympy, a Package for symbolic calculations: currently, sympy
> cannot do much about "1/2 * m * v**2", although it looks like a perfectly
> fine formula. But sympy only sees "0.5" instead of "1/2", which is not
> usable in symbolic calculations.
> I am aware that this would be a huge change. But we have had such a change
> in the past, from integers having a floor division in Python 2, to a float
> in Python 3. Compared to this, this is actually a small change: the value
> of the result is only different by the small pecision loss of floats. The
> bigger problem is caused by the fact that some code may rely on the fact
> that a value is a float. This can be fixed easily by simply calling
> float(), which is also backwards-compatible, it will work on older versions
> of Python as well.
> I have prototyped this here:
> https://github.com/tecki/cpython/tree/int-divide-fraction
> The prototype uses the fractions.Fraction class written in Python as
> result for integer true divisions. I expected that to go horribly wrong,
> but astonishingly it did not. Only a small number of tests of Python fail,
> mostly those where it is explicitly tested whether an object is a float. So
> I lowered the bar even more and tried to compile and test numpy. And also
> there, except some tests that very explicitly require floats, it worked
> fine.
> In order to showcase how that would look like, let me give an example
> session:
>     >>> 5/6-4/15
>     17/30
>     >>> a=22/7
>     >>> f"{a}"
>     '22/7'
>     >>> f"{a:f}"
>     '3.142857'
>     >>> from decimal import Decimal
>     >>> Decimal(1/3)
>     Decimal('0.3333333333333333333333333333')
> As a comparison, the same with current Python:
>     >>> 5/6-4/15
>     0.5666666666666667
>     >>> a=22/7
>     >>> f"{a}"
>     '3.142857142857143'
>     >>> f"{a:f}"
>     '3.142857'
>     >>> from decimal import Decimal
>     >>> Decimal(1/3)
>     Decimal('0.333333333333333314829616256247390992939472198486328125')
> Cheers
> Martin
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