Sometimes, we need to execute a statement, which might throw an exception
and we want to return None if it causes an exception. In short, we want to
run that command as failsafe mode, so that it doesn't cause abnormal
termination in case of any exception.

*Approach till now:*

def log_to_telegram(text):
    ''' Suppose you want to send some log to some telegram channel using
telegram bot api. It might raise Network Error, or Invalid Bot token error.
    send_message(CHANNEL, BOT_TOKEN, TEXT) # Suppose send_message is a
function wrapper for telegram bot api.

def some_func():
        log_to_telegram('This is a not important message. It's okay even if
it isn\'t delivered.')
    # Next work

*Suggested approach:*

# consider the same log_to_telegram function as defined in previous example

def some_func():
    safe log_to_telegram('This is a not important message. It's okay even
if it isn\'t delivered.')
    # safe keyword ensures that it raises no exception and the process
isn't terminated even if log_to_telegram function raises an exception.

*Other examples:*

*1. By default, it will return None.*
*    Example: *
           file = open('some_file')
           file = None
*    Can be rewritten as:*
       file = safe open('some_file')

*2. We can provide a return value explicitly which should be returned in
case of some exception.*
*    Example: *
           division = a/b
           division = 0
*    Can be rewritten as:*
        division   = safe(0) a/b

*3. We can set what exceptions we want to be 'safed'.*
*    Example: *
           element = some_list[index]/divisor
       except ZeroDivisionError:
           element = 0  # It will make element zero if divisor is zero, but
it will not except IndexError in case index is out of range for some_list
*    Can be rewritten as:*
       element = safe(0, ZeroDivisionError) some_list[index]/divisor

*I think this keyword should be there in python, it will make code short
and readable. *
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