I don't have much of substance to say other than this proposal really made
me go "oh I like that" several times. There may be downsides/arguments
against I'm not considering, but I look forward to following the
conversation and hope it gets a serious hearing.

On Mon, May 24, 2021, 9:38 PM micro codery <ucod...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Variable decorators have been suggested here before, as have new statements
> that could also achieve the same level of access to the binding name.
> However
> I propose a much more restricted syntax that would make for less edge cases
> where what is actually passed to the decorator callable may be ambiguous.
> Basically this would add syntax to python that would transform
> @decorator("spam this") variable
> into
> variable = decorator("variable", "spam this")
> The decorator would be limited to being on the same line as the variable
> name.
> Additionally, the variable can not also be assigned to on the same line, so
> @decorator("spam this") variable = eggs
> would be a SyntaxError. Annotating these variable would be allowed
> @decoratopr("spam this") variable: Food
> The actual decorator would follow the same rules as current decorators in
> that
> the parentheses can be omitted if no other arguments are required to the
> function and any arbitrary expression can be used, however the same
> restraint
> should be cautioned as is for current decorators post PEP 614.
> The most straightforward use of this decorating would be that str() could
> be
> used without change to declare variables that are strings of the same name,
> generally cutting down on repeating yourself when declaring constants.
> #instead of GREEN = "GREEN"
> @str GREEN
> The classic example of a factory that needs its target name as a string
> value
> is namedtuple. I don't think this example is enough alone to sway this
> list but
> I bring it up as it has also been at the front of past ideas to allow
> variable
> decorating.
> #instead of Point = namedtuple("Point", "x y z")
> @namedtuple("x y z") Point
> I have sometimes heard that dataclasses make this no longer an issue,
> implying
> that dataclasses can be used in place of namedtuple in any new code.
> Putting
> aside that dataclasses are not a strict replacement for namedtuple, the
> dataclasses module continues this factory design with the make_dataclass
> function.
> #instead of Point = make_dataclass("Point", [("x", int), ("y", int), ("z",
> int)])
> @make_dataclass([("x", int), ("y", int), ("z", int)]) Point
> Enum is one more case where there is a factory equivalent to the class
> declaration.
> #instead of Colors = Enum("Colors", "RED GREEN BLUE")
> @Enum("RED GREEN BLUE") Colors
> If you want each enum member value to match its name there is even more
> repetition, however by using the original example for decorated variables,
> this
> can be reduced when using the more common class style.
> class Colors(Enum):
>     @str RED
>     @str GREEN
>     @str BLUE
> One final standard library module that I will mention because it seems to
> keep
> adding similar factory functions is typing. It already has the factory
> functions
> NewType, TypeVar, ParamSpec, TypedDict, NamedTuple. Their use with the new
> variable decorator would look much the same as earlier examples, but here
> would
> be one case where type hinting the variable in such a statement could aid
> the
> decorator function
> #instead of UUIDType = NewType("UUIDType", str)
> @NewType UUIDType: str
> If adopted, no change to these functions would be necessary to allow their
> use
> as a variable decorators as they all already take the name as a string in
> the
> first argument. Additionally, as variable decorators are actually
> callables just like
> the current decorators, no new restrictions are being forced on users of
> the language.
> If a user really wants to create a namedtuple with a typename of Foo but
> assign
> the result to a variable named ___trippleS33cret___name__here_ the language
> will not stop them.
> I would very much like to know if any module maintainers are interested in
> this
> syntax. Convincing arguments from the standard lib (whether you consider
> the
> above convincing or not) are probably not enough to get a syntax change
> into
> python. But if enough third party modules want to use this functionality I
> believe that would be the real push to get it done.
> Specifically this idea first started growing when I read on another ideas
> message that using the module sympy would often start with a line like
> x = symbol('x')
> which, with no change, could be used as a variable decorator
> @symbol x
> Now what may be even more typical (I really have never used the module
> myself)
> is defining all needed symbols on one line with
> x, y, z = symbol('x y z')
> which could conceivably be rewritten like
> @symbol x, y, z
> However I have not yet been able to decide if multi-assignment would be
> overall
> beneficial to this new syntax. Probably not, at least at this stage. It
> would
> not be hard for a decorator function to return multiple values, but how
> would
> the multiple names be passed in? A string with whitespace like this
> original,
> and namedtuple's field_names, is possible as no valid identifier can have a
> space in it. However, it forces any would-be variable decorator to know
> this
> and check if a space is in its first argument, even if it cannot produce
> multiple values. Another option is to pass in an iterable, but the same
> additional effort would be placed on decorators that otherwise don't want
> to
> deal with multi-assignment. Unpacking the names as the first n arguments
> would
> mean that decorators that just want one variable can get just that and
> those
> that may want more will also get them, but then practically no variable
> decorator
> could take additional non-keyword arguments.
> Regards
> ~ Jeremiah
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