On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 12:25 AM Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 27 May 2021 at 15:04, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hmm.
> >
> > def static(**kw):
> >     def deco(func):
> >         statics = types.SimpleNamespace(**kw)
> >         @functools.wraps(func)
> >         def f(*a, **kw):
> >             func(*a, **kw, _statics=statics)
> >         return f
> >     return deco
> >
> > @statics(n=0)
> > def count(*, _statics):
> >     _statics.n += 1
> >     return _statics.n
> >
> > Add it to the pile of clunky options, but it's semantically viable.
> > Unfortunately, it's as introspectable as a closure (that is: not at
> > all).
> Still arguably clunky, still doesn't have any performance benefits,
> but possibly a better interface to function attributes than just using
> them in their raw form.
> def static(**statics):
>     def deco(func):
>         for name, value in statics.items():
>             setattr(func, name, value)
>         func.__globals__["__me__"] = func
>         return func
>     return deco
> @static(a=1)
> def f():
>     print(__me__.a)

Can't use globals like that, since there's only one globals() dict per
module. It'd require some compiler magic to make __me__ work the way
you want. But on the plus side, this doesn't require a run-time
trampoline - all the work is done on the original function object.

So, yeah, add it to the pile.

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