Am Fr., 2. Juli 2021 um 12:06 Uhr schrieb Nick Coghlan <>:

> On Fri, 2 Jul 2021, 5:12 pm Thomas Güttler, <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Nick and all other Python ideas friends,
>> yes, you are right. There is not much difference between PEP-501 or my
>> proposal.
>> One argument why I would like to prefer backticks:
>> Some IDEs detect that you want to use a f-string automatically:
>> You type:
>> name = 'Peter'
>> print('Hello {name...
>> and the IDE automatically adds the missing "f" in front of the string:
>> name = 'Peter'
>> print(f'Hello {name...
>> This is a handy feature (of PyCharm), which would not work reliably if
>> there are two different prefixes.
>> -------
>> You mentioned these things:
>> eager rendering: I think deferred rendering would increase the complexity
>> a lot. And I think it is not needed.
> Eager rendering is f-strings. Any templating proposal necessarily involves
> a delayed rendering step, when the template is combined with the
> interpolated values.
> runtime value interpolation: It is up to the receiver of
>> types.InterpolationTemplate to handle the data structure.
> I really meant runtime template parsing here (i.e. str.format).
> dedicated templating libraries: One temp after the other. I think HTML and
>> SQL libraries would adapt as soon as the foundation
>> is available.
> The existence of i-strings likely wouldn't change the syntax of jinja2
> templates, Django templates, SQL Alchemy, pandas, etc.
> I would be happy if PEP-501 would come true.
> So would I, but I still don't have a compelling answer to the "but it's
> yet another subtly different way to do it" objection.

Today I read the replies to this thread again.

Of course there where some "-1" replies, but overall there was positive

Today I played with template literals from Javascript:

[image: image.png]

I like it.

Nick, would you be open to adapting to the JS syntax for PEP-501?

I propose `...{var} ...`

This means backticks, but without the dollar sign.

I would make it like in JS: The string in backticks can span several lines.

So what is the next step now?

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