On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 09:54:27AM -0400, Eric V. Smith wrote:

> I'm skeptical that people who won't read the documentation for 
> writelines will either read the documentation for writelines2, or 
> intuitively understand how it's different from writelines, or would know 
> there's a kwarg parameter to writelines.

Of course they won't. They'll just go on Twitter to bitch about what a 
horrible language Python is, because it's not "intuitive", until 
somebody points them to a few dozen StackOverflow posts that point out 
how to use it correctly.


In this case I agree that the current API is a little surprising, but it 
seems to me that adding a kw parameter or a new method is an easy way to 
solve that. No, people who don't read the docs won't intuit their 
existence, but so long as *one* person reads the docs, the knowledge 
will slowly spread via mailing lists, StackOverflow, code reviews, etc.

> It seems your proposal would only matter if the argument were a list?

writelines doesn't require a list, it takes any iterable that yields 

(The docs are misleading: it still says "list".)

The current behaviour would have to remain the same, so the items 
would be written directly, whether or not they end with a newline. With 
the parameter, writelines would write a newline after each item in the 

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