In your code example it looks like FastAPI is making 1 HTTP request vs.
your library is making 3 HTTP requests? Or are there some missing lines? Or
am I missing something?

Also are you referring to ? And if
so what would be the reasoning to pull something like this into the
standard library rather than leaving it as a third part library?

Damian (he / him)

On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 12:40 AM Vaideeswaran Ganesan <>

> I looked at the fastapi code.
> I actually want to avoid  get, post, put,  2xx, 4xx codes in the client
> portions of the code. (I don't think it's pythonic). And Fastapi seems to
> have them exactly the same.
> Look at how the code looks when you are using FastAPI and with my OpenAPI
> Native Bindings - below:
> =============== [Code using FastAPI]
> def test_create_item(): response = "/items/", headers={
> "X-Token": "coneofsilence"}, json={"id": "foobar", "title": "Foo Bar",
> "description": "The Foo Barters"}, ) assert response.status_code == 200
> assert response.json() == { "id": "foobar", "title": "Foo Bar",
> "description": "The Foo Barters",
> }.
> =============== [Code using pyopenapi - my proposal]
> def test_create_item():
> client = client('host', creds).connect('/')
> try: assert == "foobar"
> assert client.items.title == "Foo Bar"
> assert client.items.description == "The Foo Barters"
> except AttributeError:
> print("Items does not exist!")
> On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 10:13 PM Gustavo Carneiro <>
> wrote:
>> You may want to take a look at FastAPI[1], it already does more or less
>> what you ask for.
>> There is no need for it to be part of the Python core, it's fine as it is
>> as a package.
>> [1]
>> On Fri, 6 Aug 2021 at 17:39, Vaideeswaran Ganesan <>
>> wrote:
>>> OpenAPI ( is an emerging
>>> standard for defining RESTful interfaces.
>>> OpenAPI is supported by swagger - which provides tools to convert an
>>> OpenAPI spec into python code (for both backend as well as client).
>>> The proposition I have is to make OpenAPI native to python.
>>> Essentially, this involves some of the following:
>>> 1. OpenAPI provides definitions of objects, arrays, structures,
>>> primitive types, collections etc.
>>> 2. OpenAPI supports object creation (HTTPS POST), object modification
>>> (PUT), object deletion (DELETE) and object retrieval (GET).
>>> 3. OpenAPI also supports operations for collections (add to collection,
>>> remove from collection and modify collection)
>>> 4. OpenAPI also supports methods and allows parameters to be passed to
>>> these APIs.
>>> The Native Python implementation would load in OpenAPI specification and
>>> provide native Python experience as follows:
>>> 1. Primitive types are mapped to python primitive types
>>> 2. Objects and structures are treated as classes or dicts wrapped.  The
>>> field names in the Spec are accessible.
>>> 3. Arrays and Collections are mapped to python lists.
>>> 4. URLs are converted into object structure.
>>> 5.  Python inspection methods (__getattr__, __setattr__, __new__,
>>> __del__ and others) of this model is changed to manipulate the fetched
>>> objects dynamically
>>> Parts of this implementations are found in various places : sushy
>>> (OpenStack) etc.
>>> However, having a more organized approach would make life easier.
>>> Swagger has a tool that can generate the code.  But this means that
>>> every time a specification changes you need to ship a new python library.
>>> The methodology presented not require any addition python libraries -
>>> the tool can download from the REST end point.
>>> By making OpenAPI native to python, we would avoid cumbersome handling
>>> of request codes etc. and make it as you we are accessing native objects.
>>> I can provide more details and a reference implementation I am working
>>> on.
>>> Wanted to know if this is worthy to be submitted as PEP!
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>> Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
>> Gambit Research
>> "The universe is always one step beyond logic." -- Frank Herbert
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