On 2021-08-12 at 14:05:23 -0000,
eloi.riv...@aquilenet.fr wrote:

> This is how slices are used in the python standard library, indeed,
> but that does not stop me from interpreting the slices as "inclusive
> by default" in my library.  The inconsistency with the rest of the
> python standard library could be misleading, but I think maybe less
> than off-by-1 errors?

https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#slice says that slice
objects represent "the set of indices specified by range(start, stop,
step)."  You are free to interpret a slice differently, but you may be
in for a fight against (or bug reports from) existing Pythonistas.

Also, given that slices explicitly represent indices, your API may be
clearer if you used ranges instead of slices, but the question of what
the end is would remain.  YMMV.

> You raise a good point however, that is: how to write a slice with
> expliciting the inclusiveness of one of the limit values?

By definition, slices derive from ranges, and by definition, ranges do
not include their ends.  A (stop, stop) pair that includes the stop
value is not a Python slice or a Python range.  If you're willing to
write your own gt class or function, then why not bt?

That said, I don't think I've ever explicitly created a slice.  And the
better iteration works, the less I use range.  I also can't recall using
BETWEEN in database queries (except maybe for dates?), but databases and
database queries are *not* my thing.  In that light, consider me -0 on
any new syntax for creating slices.
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