On 2021-08-23 at 21:06:46 -0000,
Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas <python-ideas@python.org> wrote:

> - Re bool: As experienced python users we are used to translate `if
> not users` to "if users is empty" or "if we have no users", but it
> *is* less explicit than `if users.is_empty()`.

I mentally translate "if not users" to "if there are not users" or "if
there are no users."  Whether users is a list (or some other sequence),
a dict (or some other mapping), a set, or even some oddball collection
type (e.g., the responses from a database query) is an implementation
detail about which I don't care at that point.

> - Re len: `if not len(users)` or `if len(users) == 0` is more
> explicit, but its semantically on a lower level. Counting elements is
> a more detailed operation than only checking if we have any
> element. That detail is not needed and distracting if we are only
> interested in is_empty. This is vaguely similar to iterating over
> indices (`for i in range(len(users))`) vs. iterating over elements
> (`for user in users`). We don't iterate over indices because that's
> usually a detail we don't need.

Exactly.  Asking whether a collection contains an element is on a
slightly lower level than asking whether or not "there are any [Xs]."
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