On 02/09/2021 04:32, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Wed, Sep 01, 2021 at 03:40:37PM +0200, Peter Otten wrote:

Instead of removing it you might add a filter to get a similar effect:


warnings.filterwarnings("always", "woof!")

Unfortunately that's too aggressive. In my use-case, `bark` will be
called many, many times in a loop, and so potentially "woof" will be
displayed over and over again. That will be annoying.

Once it has been displayed *once* in that loop, it shouldn't be
displayed again for the rest of the loop.

Also, `bark` is being called from a comprehension or sort key
function, so it is difficult to keep an explicit flag myself:

     # My use case is *not* this
     def process(values):
         seen = False
         for item in values:
             if condition:
                 if seen: bark()
                 seen = True

     # More like this:
     sorted(values, key=func)  # func may call bark

Allowing `bark` to *always* display could be annoying. Ideally I want it
to be displayed *at most* once per call to sorted(). I can do that by
removing the filter after sorting. Or at least I could if it were
possible to remove individual filters.

Then use filterwarnings("once", ...):

>>> import warnings
>>> def bark():

>>> for i in range(6):
        if i == 3: warnings.filterwarnings("once", "woof!")


Warning (from warnings module):
  File "<pyshell#145>", line 2
UserWarning: woof!

Warning (from warnings module):
  File "<pyshell#145>", line 2
UserWarning: woof!

For good performance you'd ideally provide the lineno, but I don't see a clean way to get that.

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