The fact that the built in “any” is not a type is not an implementation
detail. any() and typing.Any are completely different things/concepts. They
just happen to be spelled the same.

I don’t think it’s a bad thing that objects that are specifically about
Type Hinting can be  found in the typing module.

Overloading names in builtins  to save an import is a really bad idea.


On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 7:10 AM Ricky Teachey <> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 9:49 AM Matt del Valle <>
> wrote:
>> I had no idea that type[Something] was already a thing, and this makes me
>> so happy! :)
>> It's true that `any` would have to converted to be either:
>> 1) an object implementing __call__ and __getitem__
>> 2) a type implementing __new__ and __class_getitem__
>> 3) some special-cased type implemented in the interpreter that couldn't
>> be recreated in python (like maybe implementing `any` as a special subclass
>> of `builtin_function_or_method` that can be subscripted or allowing
>> `builtin_function_or_method` to be optionally subscriptable)
>> 4) some other option I'm not thinking of?
>> The first two options would *technically* represent a
>> backwards-incompatible change, but it's hard to imagine any **sane** code
>> that would be affected. You'd have to be doing something like:
>> ```
>> import builtins
>> builtin_function_or_method = type(max)
>> for item in builtins.__dict__.values():
>>     if isinstance(item, builtin_function_or_method):
>>         ...  # do something with all the builtin functions, which would
>> no longer include `any`
>> ```
>> The third option would neatly sidestep this and be fully
>> backwards-compatible, but I assume would represent a bigger change to the
>> interpreter.
>> As I don't have any knowledge of the interpreter's internals I can't
>> really give a preference for an approach, but I think the first step would
>> be agreeing that a subscriptable version of `any` for type-hinting is
>> desirable.
>> If this seems to be something that people want then I'm sure there are
>> people far more qualified than me to discuss implementation details. If not
>> then it's irrelevant anyway.
> I'd expect to see something more like an EAFP construct;
> try:
>     maybe_all_maybe_mapping[key]
> except KeyError:
>     # it's all()!
> I agree it would be weird. But not hard to imagine.
> ---
> Ricky.
> "I've never met a Kentucky man who wasn't either thinking about going home
> or actually going home." - Happy Chandler
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