On Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 06:54:51PM -0700, Brendan Barnwell wrote:

>       I mean, here's another way to come at this.  Suppose we have this 
>       under the proposal (using some random syntax picked at random):
> def foo(a=1, b="two", c@=len(b), d@=a+c):
>       You keep saying that c and d "are argument default" just like a and 
>       b. So can you tell me what the argument default for each of those 
>  arguments?


If you fail to provide an argument for c, the value that is bound to c 
by default (i.e. the default argument) is len(b), whatever that happens 
to be. If you fail to provide a value for d, the value that is bound to 
d by default is a+c.

There is nothing in the concept of "default argument" that requires it 
to be known at function-definition time, or compile time, or when the 
function is typed into the editor.

Do you have a problem understanding me if I say that strftime defaults 
to the current time? Surely you don't imagine that I mean that it 
defaults to 15:34:03, which was the time a few seconds ago when I wrote 
the words "current time".

And you probably will understand me if I say that on POSIX systems such 
as Linux, the default permissions on newly created files is (indirectly) 
set by the umask.

>       Currently, every argument default is a first-class value.

And will remain so. This proposal does not add second-class values to 
the language.

By the time the body of the function is entered, the late-bound 
parameters will have had their defaults evaluated, and the result bound 
to the parameter.

Inside the function object itself, there will be some kind of opaque 
blob (possibly a function?) that holds the default's expression for 
later evaluation. That blob itself will be a first class object, like 
every other object in Python, even if its internal structure is 
partially or fully opaque.

> As I 
> understand it, your proposal breaks that assumption, and now argument 
> defaults can be some kind of "construct" that is not a first class 
> value, not any kind of object, just some sort of internal entity that no 
> one can see or manipulate in any way, it just gets automatically 
> evaluated later.

Kind of like functions themselves :-)

    >>> (lambda x, y: 2*x + 3**y).__code__.co_code

The internal structure of that co_code object is a mystery, it is not 
part of the Python language, only of the implementation, but it remains 
a first-class value.

(My *guess* is that this may be the raw byte-code of the function body.)

One difference will be, regardless of how the expression for the 
late-bound default is stored, there will be at the very least an API to 
extract a human-readable string representing the expression.

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