On Sun, Oct 31, 2021, 6:11 PM Chris Angelico

> On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 8:56 AM David Mertz, Ph.D. <david.me...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I am not on the SC, so indeed I won't make the decision. But I *will*
> continue to teach Python. New syntax adds a burden to learners, and it
> should not be introduced without sufficient benefit to merit that burden.
> This proposal does not come close to that threshold.
> How do you currently teach about mutable argument defaults? With this
> proposal, it will become trivially easy to have an argument default that's
> evaluated fresh every time. Does that not count as beneficial?

I teach folks to use a sentinel. Yes, it is genuinely a thing to learn, but
it takes far less mental effort than special syntax and a different
evaluation model.

At least 99% of the time, the None sentinel is fine and the best choice....
Yes, I know there are RARE cases where None isn't a good sentinel, but I
can't recall the last time I encountered that situation.

I've myself made errors with mutable defaults. Perhaps not for a few years,
but certainly years after I should have known better. Yes, there genuinely
is a possible bug with using defaults.

However, I believe that having two different kinds of default parameter
bindings would lead to a much larger number of bugs than the status quo. I
think this would be true even if the syntax made the distinction obvious...
And the '=>' syntax is far from intuitive to start with. It *could* be
memorized, but it's definitely not intuitive.

This isn't just beginners either. For example, in a few days, I'm giving a
short talk about the pitfalls of using lru_cache with mutable arguments to
folks at my work. They have, typically, 5-10 years Python experience, yet
that's an error I've found in production code. This really isn't the same
issue as this PEP, but it's an example of where just a little extra
complexity gets experienced developers confused.

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