On Wed, Nov 03, 2021 at 10:25:02AM -0700, Ethan Furman wrote:

> Which is horrible.  Put the @ at the front:
> - its relation to decorators, and delayed evaluation, is much more clear
> - it stands out better to the reader

I agree. (Well, I would, wouldn't I? :-)

But if people really, really hate the idea of the @ symbol as a prefix 
modifier/sigil, I think that there are some alternatives which also look 
good. (See my previous post.)

    !parameter=expression  # bang parameter

(but not $parameter, thank you).

I suppose that we could even add yet another overloaded meaning on the 

    # with no default, * keeps the old meaning of collecting 
    # extra positional values


    # with a default, * triggers late-binding


I should hate that, I know I should... but I kinda don't.

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