On 17.11.2021 15:26, tmkehrenb...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have seen discussion of docstrings for class attributes before on this
> list, but not with this exact proposal.
> My motivation is that I have a dataclass for which I want to write
> docstrings that can be accessed at runtime.  In my specific case, the
> docstrings would be used to create a help message.
> Sphinx supports a syntax to document class attributes.  It looks like
> this:
> @dataclass
> class A:
>     """Docstring for class A."""
>     x: int
>     """Docstring for x"""
>     y: bool = True
>     "Docstring for y"

See https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0224/

Perhaps it's time to revive the idea for its 20th anniversary :-)

> It is a bit awkward that the docstring is *below* the definition of the
> attribute, but it can't be put above because it could be confused for
> the class docstring.
> My proposal would be to just enshrine this syntax as the syntax for
> attribute docstring, and to make them available at runtime.  They would
> be stored in a dictionary like the type annotations.  For example like
> this:
> A.__attrdoc__ == {"x": "Docstring for x", "y": "Docstring for y"}
Marc-Andre Lemburg

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