> I'm somewhat ambivalent about this pattern. Sometimes I find it
> readable and natural, other times it doesn't fit my intuition for the
> problem domain.
Like any other pattern, you don't have to subscribe to it and use it
to solve every problem. A pattern is just another tool in your toolbox
that sometimes fit the problem domain and sometimes doesn't.
Personally, I would still use a list comprehension for simple one-liners.

> This isn't a technical problem, it's much more of a teaching and
> evangelisation issue. Building a library and promoting it via blogs,
> social media, demonstrations, etc, is a much better way of getting
> people interested. 
I do agree that it's also a matter of evangelising this pattern which I
think is implied when including this pattern. There should be a lot of
teaching involved because we're showing users a different way from
what they have been doing all along. And there's also effort to educate
users that this pattern does not replace the way they have been
doing things. I don't think this is an issue per se, I'm just curious how
we will propagate this paradigm.
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